6.11.03 / Well, some news for now
Some weeks more, some lines of code more. Well, the project is grown a bit, but for now i have to tell you there won't be any more updates maybe for a long time. There are several reasons for that decision, one is that i have no clue what game to make with the engine. You'll find the current code with all graphics and config files as a tarball here.
There are also some new screenshots up.
regards, atla.

21.09.03 / Official project site is up
Finally after 3 weeks of working on the code i found some time to spend on the website. I am not that good in webdesign, but i think the site meets the need.
Well there are 2 new screenshots and also the datapack you need to run the programm if you got it from CVS.
The current CVS version includes the engine and the beginning of a game. There is also an editor, press b and then 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the different edit modi. If you have any questions on the project or the code make a post in the Open Discussion forum or contact me via irc in #isoplain on irc.euirc.net .
Well, so far for now, i hope the time until the next newspost won't take too long. Bye.
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