Isoplain is an isometric engine in the classic diamond shape
like in C&C or AoE. The engine is able to load variable graphics (
scripted in a file ) which will be used for two tilelayers. The first
layer is the groundlayer, there must be graphics provided for the first
layer. The second layer is the detail/overlay layer which can include
taller graphics than the groundlayer. If there are no graphics for this
layer it won't be rendered. And there are two more layers, one for the
collision and on for saving entities.
The engine supports smooth scrolling with a bounding box surrounding
the map. The size of the map depends only on the memory of the computer.
The engine is written in C/C++ using the SDL.
- 4 layers
- groundlayer
- detaillayer ( support for taller graphics )
- entitylayer
- collisionlayer
- smooth scrolling
- using the map edges as a bounding box
- dynamic map
- line of sight algorithm
- A* pathfinding